Andrew’s participating in the art exhibition in Fuzhou, China, and donating his entire earnings from the show to charities had aroused great response both in China and the United States societies. It had set a good example for other children.Andrew參加了中國福州第一屆青少年公益畫展,並把自己的畫義賣所得全部捐給了古道公益(註冊公益組織)的貧困地區兒童圖書館項目和閩侯隱惠園重殘兒童收養中心蘋果計劃,在中國和美國社區都引起了不小的反響。为孩子们树立了一个好的榜样。

Sunshine Studio Enthusiastic about Social Welfare

Andrew, a student from Sunshine Studio, participated in the 1st Youth Art Exhibition for Charity in Fuzhou, China.  All proceeds from this event for his artwork “Eagle” were then donated to Good Public Welfare, a registered charity organization, to support the children’s library project for poor areas, as well as to the Apple project of the Minhou Yinhui Garden, an adoption center for severely disabled children.

Sunshine Studio had attracted many parents and students by its training on solid basic skills and unique creative thinking.  The studio also gives great importance to children’s education on morality and virtue.

Any art is not composed merely for the sake of art.  An accomplished artist not only has solid basic skills, but also possesses good character, quality and aesthetic appeal, thus he would intend to show beauty, and therefore his work will reveal and bring enjoyment of beauty.

The purpose of education is not only to complete the task of teaching, but also to give children the basic universal values of beauty and the ugly, good and evil; to teach them with their solid basic skills to present artworks that reveal true beauty, morality and that are beneficial to the society and are in line of ethical standard.

This whole process of education can only be accomplished by teachers and parents’ joined effort.  It produces children that are not just sufficient with drawing techniques, but also are loving, and enthusiastic about social welfare.  Andrew is one of them.  His parent paid great attention to the child’s reflects on the society and provided timely guidance and assistance; they worked with the teachers to help the child seize opportunities.  All these had played a very positive role in developing the child’s personality.
Andrew’s participating in the art exhibition in Fuzhou, China, and donating his entire earnings from the show to charities had aroused great response both in China and the United States societies.  It had set a good example for other children.







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