Three Students from Sunshine Studio Got Selected by Celebrating Art 陽光畫室三學生作品入選北美著名畫冊

This spring, the Celebrating Art contest chose the top 25% artworks and Top Ten Winners from thousands of entries throughout the United States and Canada. Three students’ artworks from Sunshine Studio got published, Difei Li, Nicole Wang, and Joyce Wang. Difei Li’s artwork also won top ten in her category.


Celebrating Art holds three contests per year, in April, August, and December — and publishes the winning pieces of students from grades K-12 in a hardcover book. On their blog, top ten winners get featured.


Usually, many kids want to take drawing classes just for enthusiasm or fun and then they soon give it up easily because of the lack of interest. So how can Sunshine Studio catch the hearts of kids?


The teachers of the studio pay attention to each student during classes. When the kids make progress, the teacher would give a positive recognition and encouragement. If the students have a problem on drawing methods, the teachers will point them out immediately in order to avoid bad habits. Sometimes the student will need several reminders to get rid of his/her bad habit; and the teachers have the patience to mention it every time. At Sunshine Studio, all the students are encouraged, making progress and correcting mistakes, which make the students love drawing.


People get good results from confidence and working hard continuously. Sunshine Studio allows and encourages that behavior in its classes. The result is kids improving every time they take drawing classes and having a wonderful experience at the same time.




美國優秀學生作品畫冊「Celebrating Art」,也稱北美藝術慶典畫冊,近日評選出2015年春季冊作品以及當季的全美十佳(Top 10 winner),陽光畫室三位學生的作品入選,他們分別是Difei Li, Nicole Wang和Joyce Wang。 Difei Li的作品同時榮獲全美十佳(Top 10 winner)。


美國「Celebrating Art」,是一本專門收集並出版K-12年級優秀學生作品的畫冊,每年分春、夏、冬三季出版,每一季再從入選畫冊的作品中選出十佳,在北美享有廣泛贊譽。







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