Artwork by Student from Sunshine Studio Received Praise at The Gold Key Award Ceremony金鑰匙頒獎典禮 陽光畫室學生作品獲讚譽

Artwork by Student from Sunshine Studio Received Praise

at The Gold Key Award Ceremony

At 19:30 on February 12, Thursday, The 2015 Gold Key Award of New Jersey District,

part of the National Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, took place at the Montclair Art

Museum in northern New Jersey. Annie He from Sunshine Studio, whose artwork had

won the Gold Key, was invited to the event.

Annie He’s award-winning artwork “The Old Man” received the Gold award for drawing

and illustration category. This sketch was done a year after she started taking lesson

from Sunshine Studio. The studio emphasizes on training of basic skills, which is the

most important foundation and tradition of Western painting, yet had faded away in

recent years. Some artist groups value so much innovation that they ignore the most

basic foundation of painting. Annie winning this award had proved Sunshine Studio’s

focus on basic technique training is the right way.

Sunshine studio has always been insisting the traditional concept of basic skills training,

helping students to lay a solid foundation, from the shape, the structure, the

perspective, and the color, taking every step meticulously. Solid training of basic skills

offers no shortcuts. At Sunshine Studio the teachers demonstrate repeatedly with great

patience and the students follow with serious effort in every stroke. Although this is not

an easy path, the teachers and students see their effort paid off when after only one

year of lesson from the studio Annie He’s artwork stood out among the 3700 entries and

took home the Gold Key. It proves that the basic technique training method adopted by

Sunshine Studio is the right way, and is recognized by mainstream society.

Sunshine studio also believe that with their approach their students will be competitive

and has great potential for future contest, university entrance exam, and at work

because they will had already built a solid foundation of basic techniques, combined

with unique and innovative thinking training, which will help them excel in creativity and

bring their potential fully into play.

Annie He’s artworks will be exhibited at Montclair Art Museum between February12 to

March 22. It had attracted much admiration.

金鑰匙頒獎典禮 陽光畫室學生作品獲讚譽

上週四,2月12日晚上7點半,2015年全美學生藝術與寫作大賽(NationalScholastic Art & Writing Awards)新澤西賽區金鑰匙獎頒獎典禮在新澤西北部蒙特克萊爾藝術博物館(The Montclair Art Museum)舉辦。陽光畫室學生何安妮被邀請參加頒獎儀式,她的作品在本次大賽中獲得新澤西賽區金鑰匙獎。
何安妮本次獲獎的作品是《老人(Old Man)》,獲繪圖和插畫類金獎。這是何安妮在陽光畫室學習繪畫僅僅一年之後的素描作品。陽光畫室注重對學生基本功的訓練,這也是西方繪畫最重要的基礎和傳統,但是近些年來卻慢慢地不那麼被重視了。甚至有些畫派只看重創新而忽視了最基本的繪畫基礎。何安妮的作品獲獎,說明了陽光畫室重視基本功訓練的路是對的。

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